Prateek Jose BidAway Provides Auction Winners with Celebrity Hangouts, Funding Social Causes with ProceedsBy Prateek JoseJuly 27, 2017 I got to see Metallica live in 2011. I was a good twenty rows from the stage, but I’m positive…
Industry Insights 6 Of The Tech World’s Most Charitable Responses to Trump’s Muslim BanBy SnapMunkJanuary 30, 2017 We aren’t a political news site, so the large list of failings of the current president, Donald Trump typically doesn’t…
Prateek Jose GiveSafe Is Improving Homeless Support with a Mobile App, Beacons & Ongoing InteractionBy Prateek JoseSeptember 28, 2016 GiveSafe is a new, innovative solution that combines both software and hardware, and both technology and human touch to support the…