In the UnCorked Founder Interview series, our Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Mann digs into the incredible minds, ventures and backstories of some of the world’s most exciting startup founders. Alongside the conversation, both Ben and the founders also dig into a bottle of wine. Once the bottle is finished, so is the interview. The only requirement is that both the wine and the interview be entirely UnCorked. We want to connect on not just the professional level, but on the personal level, because it is on the personal level that we truly become inspired.
In this episode we sit down with Rodney Rice, lifelong entrepreneur, founding team member of Einstein Bros. Bagels, original CEO & Co-Founder of HomeAdvisor, and now CEO & Co-Founder of Waldo Photos, that just raised $5 million in seed funding earlier this year. We hope you enjoy getting to know Rodney, his experiences and his exciting new startup.